Conservative Revolutionary American Party II

Welcome to the Conservative Revolutionary American Party's BLOG. Conservative in that we believe in the Constitution of the U.S.A. We are Revolutionary in the way that our founding fathers were in throwing off the bonds of tyranny. We are American in that we are guided by Native American Spirituality; we are responsible for the next 7 generations. We are a Party of like minds coming together for a common cause. This BLOG is a clearing house of information and ideas. PEACE…………Scott

My Photo
Location: Yelm, Washington, United States

Obama has made good on some promises but they haven't been implemented yet. I'm still withholding judgment until I see the outcome...which could be some time since the Repugs have continued their partisanship tactics. Time will tell. We have a long way to go but I THINK that we are at least trying to look at things differently....once again, time will tell. So I say to all "Good Luck & Good Night".......PEACE....Scott

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Old News That you may have missed

This is something that I found lost in a cyber closet. Better late than never. Good historical info..............Scott

t r u t h o u t | 07.27

William Rivers Pitt | Vacation's All I Ever Wanted
Imagine you're the CEO of a company. The last several major decisions you've
made have gotten a large number of your employees killed. The company you're
working with overseas is taking a beating in its infrastructure. The customers
you tried to entice with your product are arriving in morgues by the busload.

Labor Debates the Future of a Fractured Movement
In announcing the rupture on Sunday, Anna Burger, the service employees'
secretary-treasurer, said, "Today will be remembered as the rebirth of union
strength in America."

VIDEO SPECIAL | Fernando Suarez del Solar: Bush Lied and Who Died?
Part Four of our Downing Street memo teach-in series features Fernando Suarez
del Solar, Fernando's son Jesus was one of the first Marines to die in Iraq.
Jesus was killed by a US cluster bomb. Tomorrow the Reverend Jim Lawson a close
confidant of Martin Luther King will advise us on how to slay the monsters of
war, sexism, racism, and greed.

Cartoonist Trudeau Defends 'Turd Blossom' Reference
"I felt that [President] Bush's nickname for Rove was illuminating, 'Turd
blossom' has so many connotations, none of them flattering. It's a small
masterpiece of nastiness."

Ivins and vanden Huevel | Split in the AFL-CIO
The split is not a case of good guys versus bad guys -- it's good guys versus
(we hope) some better guys, says columnist Molly Ivins. I don't think this split
was necessary, and still think it would have been best for the state of
progressive politics if both sides could have worked out a deal on federation
reform and leadership transition, counters Nation editor Katrina vanden Huevel.

Some Papers Pull, Edit 'Doonesbury' Strip
About a dozen newspapers have objected to use of toilet humor in Tuesday's and
Wednesday's "Doonesbury" comic strip, and some either pulled or edited the

In Search of a New Energy Source, China Rides the Wind
Blessed with vast, empty countryside and a seemingly permanent stiff breeze
blowing across its northern steppes, China is building giant wind farms. In
February, the Chinese government passed a nationwide renewable energy law that
mandates clear targets for increased power generation from alternative energy

Melting Greenland Glacier May Hasten Rise in Sea Level
Scientists monitoring a glacier in Greenland have found it is moving into the
sea three times faster than a decade ago. A sea-level rise of a metre would have
a catastrophic impact on coastal plains where more than two-thirds of the
world's population live.

Ambitions Are Fueling a Division of Labor
The huge split in organized labor has been fueled by stagnant living standards
for many workers, by the ascendancy of the service sector and by labor's lack of
success in politics and unionizing workers. The split was sealed on Monday when
Mr. Stern and James P. Hoffa, president of the Teamsters, announced that they
were pulling their two unions out of the AFL-CIO, just as the federation was
beginning its 50th anniversary convention here.

Lakshmi Chaudhry, AlterNet
Corporations get huge tax breaks from local and state
governments, even when they rarely deliver the jobs and tax
revenues that they promise.

Norman Solomon, AlterNet
For more than 40 years, comparing an administration's
enemies to Hitler has been a reliable way to convince a
pliant media and unquestioning public to go to war.

Stephen Pizzo, News for Real
The old AFL-CIO guard wasted millions of dollars in union
dues trying to buy political friends. If Democrats know what's
good for them, they will side with 'New Labor.'

Molly Ivins, AlterNet
You may think the AFL-CIO split is none of your beeswax, but
if you work in this country, you owe labor, big time. And
I'm talking to you, white-collar worker.

Bruce Schneier,
The airlines' Watch List has been a disaster in every way,
and the federal agency in charge of it is operating with
complete disregard for your privacy, the law or Congress.

Dave Zirin, AlterNet
Why cancer-surviving cyclist superstar Lance Armstrong must
break with Bush.

Jennifer Whitney, LiP Magazine
Conceived initially to allow everybody to 'be the media,'
Indymedia is plagued by everything from fascist messages to
paralyzing ideology to good old-fashioned laziness.

Teamsters, SEIU Bolt AFL-CIO Federation
The Teamsters and a major service employees union on Monday bolted from the
AFL-CIO, a stunning exodus for an embattled movement already struggling to build
its ranks and cope with a rapidly changing work environment.

Peasants Pay with Blood to Save Mexico Forest
Reyna Mojica saw her two boys shot to death just weeks ago, an attack she traces
to a vendetta she says began in 1998 when her family helped block hundreds of
logging trucks in Mexico's Sierra Madre. They call themselves the Peasant
Ecologists of the Petatlan Sierra and their fight to save a swath of forest near
the Pacific coast is among the world's most important struggles against

The Saint Petersburg Times | The Wrong Rx
Despite all the time and effort lawmakers have spent trying to fix our health
care system, it is still the costliest in the world.

The AFL-CIO's Role in Venezuela: Assessment and Debate
We've learned since that the US government had prior knowledge of the coup. I
don't claim that the AFL-CIO and Solidarity Center staff shared this knowledge.
There's no denying, however, that they lent crucial political credibility to the
CTV and Ortega, and, in turn, the CTV-FEDECAMARAS alliance.

Rebecca Solnit,
The author of Hope in the Dark explores how we measure
success in a world gone mad -- specifically, the 'victory'
of debt cancellation for the poorest countries, as
addressed at Scotland's G8 Summit.

Katrina vanden Heuvel, The Nation
More principle and less testosterone in the AFL-CIO debates
might have halted the process that has split the labor
movement in half.

Doug Monroe, Creative Loafing (Atlanta)
In Georgia, there are already 93 Wal-Mart Supercenters and
19 regular-sized Wal-Marts. So why do the boys in
Bentonville keep planning to open more?

Andrew Garib, Campus Progress
A young person attempts to define the meaning of
progressivism today.

VIDEO SPECIAL | Tim Goodrich: 'The Air War Began before Bush Went to Congress'
Part III of our Downing Street Memo Teach-In series focuses on the incresed
bombing campaign that started before Bush went to Congress or the UN for
authority. Air Force Veteran Tim Goodrich, co-founder of Iraq Veterans Against
the War, was deployed in Saudi Arabia in the fall of 2002 to participate in the
patrolling of the "no fly zone." Tim describes how and why the rules of
engangement changed. Tommorow, Part IV will feature Fernando Suarez del Solar,
whose son was killed in Iraq by a United States weapon of mass destruction ... a
cluster bomb.

Keep Nuclear Waste off Native Lands
The case against hauling 44 thousand metric tons of nuclear waste through 45
states and storing it above ground on Native American land, against the tribe's
sovereign will and next to an Air Force bombing ground, without a single hearing
or safety investigation.

US Officials Retool Slogan for Terror War
The Bush administration is retooling its slogan for the fight against Al Qaeda
and other terrorist groups, pushing the idea that the long-term struggle is as
much an ideological battle as a military mission, senior administration and
military officials said Monday.

San Diego Readying for Second Mayoral Vote
Voters faced a mayoral ballot for the second time in less than nine months
Tuesday in an election aimed at replacing a chief executive who resigned amid a
wave of scandal and an interim replacement who was convicted of corruption
charges. The leading candidate was maverick City Councilwoman Donna Frye, who
narrowly lost a write-in bid to replace Mayor Dick Murphy last year when a judge
tossed out thousands of ballots because voters who wrote her name down failed to
darken the adjoining bubble.

Patrick Sabatier | Big Brother
In a recent issue, Business Week imagined a world where, upon meeting someone,
you would only have to consult Google via your cell phone to instantly know his
name, address, telephone number, hobbies, etc. Had not Google's CEO himself once
announced that "we're moving towards a Google that will know more and more about

Steve Weissman | Kill Them There, or They'll Kill Us Here
Forget every inconvenient fact, writes TO columnist Steve Weissman. Just suck in
your gut and repeat after your president: Kill them there, or they'll kill us

A Way Out Of Iraq?
by Robert Dreyfuss,
The bulk of the resistance in Iraq is neither faceless nor Al Qaeda. Yet when an intermediary arrived in Washington last week, the Pentagon wasn't interested.

Video Special: Mike Farrell | Dehumanizing America
This is part two of a five-part series from the Los Angeles teach-in on the
Downing Street Memo. Today, Mike Farrell connects the dehumanizing of Americans
to the use of the death penalty and torture. Tomorrow, Iraq Veterans Against the
War co-founder Tim Goodrich will describe the increased use of bombings in Iraq
in 2002 before Bush went to the UN or Congress.

t r u t h o u t | 07.25

Stirling Newberry | Cathedrals of Resonance
Just as the Spanish found that when push came to shove, the carefully built up
web of marriage alliances was worth little, so too are Americans about to find
out that treaties and corporate governing bodies and monetary rules are no
stronger than the basic economics behind them.

Norman Solomon | "Wagging the Puppy" -- And Unleashing the Deadly Dogs of War
Changing the subject is a key aspect of political damage control ... No one is
in a better position to shift the country's media focus than the president. And
no technique has been more successful than military action.

Video Special: Downing Street Memo Teach-In | Part I: The Case Against Bush
t r u t h o u t was in Los Angeles where Congresswoman Maxine Waters led a
teach-in that included actor and activist Mike Farrell, Reverend Jim Lawson and
Fernando Suarez Del Solar. We will be posting video clips from the event
throughout the week.

Overflow Crowds Mark Anniversary of Downing Street Memo
Hundreds of people were turned away yesterday as capacity crowds packed public
forums in US cities to discuss the Downing Street Memo and related evidence that
President Bush lied about the reasons for war.

Left Follows the Right on Campus Outreach Path
Nearly invisible on college campuses a generation ago, conservatives have made a
concerted effort over the last three decades to groom students as future
political leaders - with considerable success. Now, liberals have started taking
pages from that playbook; Campus Progress was formed in February to, as its
website says, "counter the growing influence of right-wing groups" on college

Did Bush Lie about Rove's Role in CIA Leak?
Did Mr. Bush know in the fall of 2003, when he was telling the public that no
one wanted to get to the bottom of the case more than he did, that Mr. Rove, his
longtime strategist and senior adviser, and I. Lewis Libby Jr., Vice President
Dick Cheney's chief of staff, had touched on the CIA officer's identity in
conversations with journalists before the officer's name became public? If not,
when did they tell him, and what would the delay say in particular about his
relationship with Mr. Rove, whose career and Mr. Bush's have been intertwined
for decades?

Did Rove and Libby Obstruct Justice?
The special prosecutor in the CIA leak investigation has shifted his focus from
determining whether White House officials violated a law against exposing
undercover agents to determining whether evidence exists to bring perjury or
obstruction of justice charges.

Glenn Scherer, Grist Magazine
In a world changed by global warming, crops may grow more
abundantly -- but fail to feed us.

Julian Sanchez, Reason
Are we truly responsible for our own actions? One writer's
exploration of 'parentalism,' and learning how to celebrate
our choices, both good and bad.


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