Conservative Revolutionary American Party II

Welcome to the Conservative Revolutionary American Party's BLOG. Conservative in that we believe in the Constitution of the U.S.A. We are Revolutionary in the way that our founding fathers were in throwing off the bonds of tyranny. We are American in that we are guided by Native American Spirituality; we are responsible for the next 7 generations. We are a Party of like minds coming together for a common cause. This BLOG is a clearing house of information and ideas. PEACE…………Scott

My Photo
Location: Yelm, Washington, United States

Obama has made good on some promises but they haven't been implemented yet. I'm still withholding judgment until I see the outcome...which could be some time since the Repugs have continued their partisanship tactics. Time will tell. We have a long way to go but I THINK that we are at least trying to look at things differently....once again, time will tell. So I say to all "Good Luck & Good Night".......PEACE....Scott

Sunday, October 02, 2005

DEMOCRATS.COM____The Patriotic Progressives__________________

DEMOCRATS.COM____The Patriotic Progressives__________________

Welcome to this week's Newsletter! The links below each headline
will take you directly to the related blog entry or discussion thread. Once
there, you can add your own comments and start new discussion threads - just
register and join in the discussion! While this is a weekly newsletter, you can
always get the latest news by visiting


A New Book on Bush

A Letter to America: Is President Bush Leading Us in the Right Direction?
by Errington Thompson, M.D

This concise and crispy written book examines NCLB, tax cuts, Afghanistan, Iraq,
North Korea, Clear Skies and the War on Terror. This hard hitting account
logically reveals miscues, misstatements and the missteps of the Bush
Administration. This book serves as a wake up call for all progessives!


On Your Car and In Their Face!

Poke fun with chrome car emblems: Darwin Fish, Jeebus, Hooked Fish, Dead Fish,
Fish 'n Chips, Gefilte, Pagan, Reality Bites, Shark, T-Rex enjoying a fish
snack, etc. We also have bumper stickers and Bush Soap to remove W's scum. (
Retail & wholesale. Visa, MC & PayPal).

___.COMPOSITION______In This Issue_______________________________

Fix America Now

Bob Fertik writes: "Amidst all its destruction and misery, Hurricane Katrina has
made one thing abundantly clear: America has problems at home that we need to
deal with now. I propose the following plan, which I call 'Fix America First.' "

Pelosi on Bush: "Oblivious, in denial, dangerous"

AP: "Congress' top two Democrats furiously criticized the administration's
response to Hurricane Katrina on Wednesday, with Sen. Harry Reid demanding to
know whether President Bush's Texas vacation impeded relief efforts and Rep.
Nancy Pelosi assailing the chief executive as 'oblivious, in denial' about the

LA Gov. Blanco Asked Bush for Assistance on 8/28

A Buzzflash News Alert: "The elected Governor of Louisiana requested immediate
assistance from the unelected dictator of the United States before Hurricane
Katrina hit. Now the GOP storm troopers and their minions in the corporate press
want to blame the locals for a catastrophe beyond the ability of both the
Louisiana State Government and the New Orleans City Government to handle
promptly or completely."

FEMA Chief Sent Help Only After Storm Hit

"The top U.S. disaster official waited hours after Hurricane Katrina struck the
Gulf Coast before he proposed to his boss sending at least 1,000 Homeland
Security workers into the region to support rescuers, internal documents show."

"GOP to announce fake rubber-stamp commission to investigate Katrina - no
Democrats involved"

John at AmericaBlog writes: "Gee, big surprise there. Sources on the Hill are
hearing that the Republicans are going to announce a 'bipartisan' bicameral
Katrina commission, except, while they are saying its bipartisan and bicameral,
they've not told the Senate Democratic Leadership anything about it, the
Democratic Leadership will not be invited to the announcement of the

First They Blocked Photos of Fallen Soldiers, Now Bush Regime Blocks Photos of
New Orleans Dead

"(Reuters) - The U.S. government agency leading the rescue efforts after
Hurricane Katrina said on Tuesday it does not want the news media to take
photographs of the dead as they are recovered from the flooded New Orleans

Barbara Bush: They "were underprivileged anyway, so this is working out well for

Dear ol' Bar -- don't you just love her? Such a kind, grandmotherly
figure...always so welcoming with a warm smile and a kind word...and such a
"beautiful mind," too...

Billionaire Tax Cuts After Katrina?

Chuck Collins writes: "Just when you couldn't be shocked any further, news item:
This coming week, the U.S. Senate intends to vote to permanently abolish the
federal estate tax, the country's only tax on large inheritances of wealth."

FEMA packed with W's pals

"The three top jobs at the Federal Emergency Management Agency under President
Bush went to political cronies with no apparent experience coping with
catastrophes, the Daily News has learned."

John Roberts is a "Katrina Conservative"

Bush stole the White House in 2000 in part by calling himself a "compassionate
conservative." But actions speak louder than words, and Bush's response to
Hurricane Katrina revealed how compassionless he really is when it comes to the
poor. So it's time to give the Busheviks the label they have earned at the cost
of 10,000 lives: "Katrina Conservatives."

"Roberts Unfit to be Chief Justice of the United States"

PFAW President Ralph Neas writes: "The events of the past week have only
underscored that we need Supreme Court justices who value the role of the courts
in protecting individuals’ rights and freedoms, who understand the nature of
discrimination and its continuing impact on our country, and who will uphold the
role of the federal government in preserving those rights and acting to protect
the common good. John Roberts’ record makes it emphatically clear that he does
not meet this standard."

Rehnquist's Legacy: A Partisan Court

Robert Parry writes: "As the late U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice William
Rehnquist is warmly remembered for his conservatism and his defense of judicial
prerogatives, a troubling part of his legacy is being ignored – his
unprecedented politicization of the American courts, at times making them little
more than an enforcement arm for the Republican Party."

Bush's Potemkin Village Photo-Ops Divert Recovery Resources While People Are
Still Dying

Cactus Pat writes: "Every time I turn on news or watch a video clip of local New
Orleans officials, like Mayor Nagin or Parish President Broussard, they're
pleading for more help and demanding no more press conferences. Now I get why
they don't want PR stunts. It's costing more lives by diverting manpower and
material to dress up Smirk's staged photo-ops."

Katrina Aftermath Produces More Demands to Impeach Bush

The more Americans learn about Hurricane Katrina - before, during and after -
the more they are demanding Bush's impeachment.

How the Iraq war severely limited Bush's response to Katrina

The following is collection of links that show how incompetent our Government
has proven to be in the face of Hurricane Katrina.

Joe 'Funeralgate' Allbaugh Destroyed FEMA

After Bush stole the White House in 2000, he put his close crony Joe Allbaugh in
charge of FEMA.

Apres George Le Deluge

Paul Jay is creating Independent World Television as a viewer-funded network to
challenge the corporate media and broadcast the truth.

How a REAL President Responds to Disaster

In Sept. 1999, while duly elected President Bill Clinton was on a working trip
to New Zealand to meet with the Chinese president, Cat3 Hurricane Floyd started
menacing the Carolina coast. What did he do? Did he strum a guitar? Did he eat
cake? Did he lie to the troops about Serbia being just like WII?

Poverty Rate Rises to 12.7 Percent, Are You Better Off Than You Were 4 1/2 Yrs.

Life under the Bush Junta means lower wages, no healthcare, and higher poverty
for millions of Americans. Are you better off?

Plame Update: Hearing Postponed

Rep. Rush Holt (D-NJ) writes: "Late yesterday afternoon, I received word that
the House Armed Services Committee had postponed consideration of my Resolution
of Inquiry into the Plame leak. That announcement came just about the same time
that the Republican leadership announced that an additional emergency
supplemental appropriation for Hurricane Katrina relief had been scheduled. I
will keep readers updated on the Congressional response to the Plame
investigation as new developments unfold."


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